Thursday 18 December 2014

LKS Spirit

It was one year ago today that I walked into Lambton Kingsway for the first time.  I vividly recall the busy and excited feeling in the building - it was the day the Stonegate baskets were being delivered and the entire school was buzzing with the true feelings of this season.  As I write this, the student council and parent council are collecting Stonegate baskets again and that same feeling is running through the halls.  This time, I am so honoured to be a part of that feeling.  Whenever I am asked about LKS, the first thing I tell anyone is how absolutely generous and giving the community is.  The students have strong sense of social justice and our teachers are continually looking for ways to give to our community.  We are so proud of our students! Whether it is a Seeds of Hope initiative or a Holiday Food Drive, they continually demonstrated their genuine empathy, kindness and caring for all.

Over the holidays (and always) I wish you all Peace, Hope, Love and Joy!