Thursday 3 September 2015

Welcome to a New School Year!

The first day of school is filled with such an incredible array of emotions and feelings for everyone.  Some students are so excited to be starting a new adventure while some students are nervous and unsure of the unknown.  Parents and teachers share these feelings and we are all looking forward to watching our students learn and grow both academically and socially.  The LKS community is exceptionally supportive of one another and the school and I continue to be proud to be a part of it.  We have a number of exciting things planned for the students this year and the staff have worked incredibly hard to set up the classrooms to provided a warm, nurturing and safe learning environment. 

Students will be bringing home a package of information and we request that you take the time to read the information as well as the information found on our website and more specifically, the forms found at  We ask that you sign and return the signature page after you have read all the information. 

Students in grades 6-8 are reminded that they need permission to leave school property at lunch time.  They are welcome to eat in the class but must sign out if they are leaving school property after they eat.  Parents must give permission on the signature page. 

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