Friday, 13 November 2015

Grade One Games Club

Thank you to Ms. Younger and Ms. Olson for starting the Grade One Games Club being held on Thursdays at lunch.

GROW World

A BIG THANK YOU to the parent council for funding GROW World for all our students at LKS.  

This was the second performance from Grow Interactive Learning and we all had a fantastic time learning with our guests about Respect, Responsibility and Right Choices.  The students were engaged in meaningful collaboration and activities that build confidence and leadership while instilling a sense of inter-connectivity.  We look forward to Grow Heroes next year!

Bully Awareness Week

Ontario has designated the week beginning on the third Sunday of November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment. At our school we use this week to highlight initiatives that promote a positive school climate and celebrate the outstanding partnerships and programs that promote harmony and respect in our schools.

A caring, safe, inclusive and accepting school climate is essential for student achievement and well-being. For students to reach their full potential, students must feel safe, included and engaged in schools. All of us have a part to play in making and keeping schools safe. By working together, we can provide learning environments that are caring, safe, accepting, respectful and inclusive, where students can acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible members of their communities.  As a staff we will be looking at the School Climate Survey to inform our next steps.

To learn more about the bullying prevention programs that we offer, and the TDSB Caring and Safe Schools Policy and the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Procedure, visit

Friday, 11 September 2015

Grade 7 and 8 Vaccinations

Important information is going home today with grade 7 and 8 students from Toronto Public Health regarding vaccinations.  Please return these forms no later than Thursday, October 17th.  The vaccinations will take place on Tuesday, October 13th in the morning.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Crossing Guard Changes

Steve, our regular crossing guard at Prince Edward and Government, will not be returning this school year and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours. We are very thankful for his dedication to keeping our students safe. 

This is a busy intersection.  The new crossing guard will be starting October 1st.  Until that time, we strongly encourage you to cross with Bob a bit closer to the front entrance.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Welcome to a New School Year!

The first day of school is filled with such an incredible array of emotions and feelings for everyone.  Some students are so excited to be starting a new adventure while some students are nervous and unsure of the unknown.  Parents and teachers share these feelings and we are all looking forward to watching our students learn and grow both academically and socially.  The LKS community is exceptionally supportive of one another and the school and I continue to be proud to be a part of it.  We have a number of exciting things planned for the students this year and the staff have worked incredibly hard to set up the classrooms to provided a warm, nurturing and safe learning environment. 

Students will be bringing home a package of information and we request that you take the time to read the information as well as the information found on our website and more specifically, the forms found at  We ask that you sign and return the signature page after you have read all the information. 

Students in grades 6-8 are reminded that they need permission to leave school property at lunch time.  They are welcome to eat in the class but must sign out if they are leaving school property after they eat.  Parents must give permission on the signature page. 

Friday, 6 March 2015

Congratulations Dr. Grant!

Dr. Grant, our music and drama teacher, has just been published!  You can find her contributing chapter, Differentiated instruction through digital technologies in the music classroom, in Music and Media Infused Lives: Education in a Digital Age.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

HPV Clinic

The Grade 8 girls will have their second round of the HPV vaccination on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, in the afternoon.

Severe Weather Guidelines

The following is taken from the TDSB's Sever Weather Guidelines.

Children need an opportunity to get exercise and free play time outdoors,  however, weather conditions sometimes warrant that indoor recesses, lunch periods and pre-entry periods be considered necessary for student and staff safety.

Conditions warranting indoor recesses are rain, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, extreme winds and extreme cold.

Cold weather:  When temperature and/or windchill factor indicates -28C or lower children will remain indoors due to risk of frostnip and frostbite.  When temperature and/or windchill factor indicates –20 to –28C, recesses may be shortened to 10 minutes and lunch recess be 20 minutes depending on local conditions.  Children should be monitored closely for signs of frostnip, frostbite or difficulty breathing.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Groundhog Day Shadow Inquiry in Kindergarten

Springfest Open House Rescheduled

Due to the Snowy Weather and unpredictable driving conditions, tonight's Springfest Open House has been rescheduled to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th at 7:00 pm in the Library.

Friday, 9 January 2015

MADD Presentation

The grade 7 and 8 students participated in a very moving and reflective presentation from MADD this afternoon.  Please take some time to talk with your children about what they watched and talked about today.  Here is a link to the video that may help you with the discussion.  It is worth watching.