Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Instrumental Concert

A big CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU to the grades 6, 7 and 8 students for putting on a fantastic show for us this evening under the leadership of Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Quintyne.  We are very proud of all your accomplishments this year in the instrumental program and we are looking forward to the growth and success you are sure to enjoy next year.  Continue to demonstrate ZEST, GRIT and OPTIMISM! 

Monday, 16 May 2016


The safety of your child is an important priority. Remember to keep us up to date with your current address, phone number, childcare arrangements, to whom your child may be released, etc. We also need you to let us know about any changes of routine and to sign your child in if they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason. 

The Toronto Police streetproofing program encourages you to teach your child:

  1. his/her name, address, phone number 
  2. to Dial 9-1-1 in an emergency 
  3. to communicate with you when they feel unsafe or afraid 
  4. to keep you informed as to his/her whereabouts at all times 
  5. never to admit to being alone in the home when answering the telephone 
  6. never to invite strangers into the house or answer the door when alone 
  7. never to approach or enter a stranger's car or hitchhike 
  8. never to travel or play alone -- always be with friends to trust their feelings and say "NO" to an adult if that adult wants them to do something that is wrong 
  9. not to accept gifts from strangers 
  10. to tell you if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you 
  11. that no one has the right to touch any part of his/ her body that a bathing suit would cover 
  12. that if he/she is being followed, or approached too closely, to run home or go to the nearest public place and yell for help 
  13. to report to your school authorities or a police officer, anyone who act suspiciously towards him/her 
  14. never to play in deserted buildings or isolated areas 
  15. never to enter anyone's home without your permission 
  16. to avoid taking shortcuts through parks and fields 
  17. never to show his/her money and if attacked to give it up rather than risk injury. 
  18. that a police officer is a friend who can always be relied upon when he/she is lost or needs assistance. 

Wednesday, 11 May 2016



Bell Canada will  be working around the south end of the school parking lot Thursday and Friday.  Please take extra care when entering and exiting the parking lot and while driving around the school.  Access may be limited along the street as well as getting into the parking lot.