Sunday, 23 March 2014

Mental Health and Wellness

Mental Health and Well-Being is essential to student success. We will make student mental health a priority at the Toronto District School Board. We know that one in five Ontario students has a mental health problem, we also know that schools can promote positive mental health, identify and intervene early to prevent the onset of problems and respond to children and youth in
The TDSB is actively working to improve the mental health and well-being of our students.
What is Mental Health?
Why Focus on Student Mental Health?
The World Health Organization defines mental health as a "state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community." (World Health Organization)
This is the ideal toward which we strive.
Focusing on child and adolescent mental health and wellness promotion, literacy and education has countless documented benefits. "Early signs of mental disorders frequently appear in adolescence yet they are often undiagnosed and go untreated. Young people with mental health disorders are at great risk for dropping out of school, ending up in jail and of not being fully functional members of society in adulthood."  (

Dental Screening

We have scheduled our annual dental screening for May 6 to 13th. 

Toronto Public Health (T.P.H.) provides dental programs to children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. 

To identify children with oral health problems, a screening program is offered to students in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Health requirements for mandatory health programs. The screening is an assessment by a dental hygienist using sterilized instruments. The dental hygienist will assess the need for topical fluoride, scaling, sealant and any other obvious dental needs. 

As a follow up to the screening, only parents whose children are identified as requiring dental services will be notified. A note to that effect will be sent home with your child/ren for your information and action. You may also receive a phone call from T.P.H. dental staff to assist you in accessing care. 

Please be advised that this screening assessment does not replace the dental examination done by a licensed dentist. 

If you do not wish your child/ren to be screened, please inform the school. 

For additional information, visit 

Grade 8 Graduation Pictures

The Grade 8 students will be having their graduation pictures taken on Wednesday, March 26th.  

EQAO Parent Information Night

The students and teachers of grades 3 and 6 are starting to prepare for EQAO.  I will be hosting an information evening for parents of grades 3 and 6 parents on Monday, March 31st at 6:00 in the library.  This is an opportunity for you to learn about the provincial standardized test and how we use the information gathered from the tests to support your child's learning.  I look forward to seeing you there.

Author Visit

The students in grades 4 to 8 had the opportunity to hear Canadian author, Eric Walters, on Monday, March 17th.  It all began in 1993 when Eric was teaching a Grade 5 class.  His students were reluctant readers and writers and Eric began to write to encourage them to become more involved in literature.  His first novel, Stand Your Ground, was created for this class.  It is set in the school where Eric was teaching, Vista Heights Public School, and some of the features of the community of Streetsville and many of the names of his students were incorporated into the story.  Since his first novel Eric has literally exploded on the children’s and young adult scene.  Over the following years he has published over 80 more novels and picture books with more than ten scheduled for the coming years.  These novels have been enthusiastically received by children and young adults and critically acclaimed by teachers, reviewers and parents.  Eric’s novels have won more than 100 awards including eleven separate children’s choice awards.  He is the only three time winner of both the Ontario Library Association Silver Birch and Red Maple Awards – in which over 250,000 students participate and vote the winner.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Explore It! - After School Opportunities

The following information is from :

Dear Lambton Kingsway Parents,
Welcome to Explore It! - the premier provider of lunch and after-school programming in the GTA.
We’re so happy to be bringing our fun and educational programs to Lambton Kingsway during the Spring 2014 term and we sincerely look forward to meeting all of you soon! 
Please take a look at the program information below - there is everything in plain text in the body of this email as well as an attached e-flyer. You can register your son or daughter for any of our fantastic Spring programs immediately by following this link:
We're here to help - so please feel free to contact our office with any questions you may have at;
Phone: 416-417-0477
Register online at before March 21
Register early to Explore with us - spots are limited and are sure to fill up fast!
Mondays After School for students aged 11 and up - starting March 31
$125 plus HST
Do you want a license to boat? If you operate any motorized recreational watercraft in Canada you are required to obtain a Pleasure Craft Operator Card, commonly known as a boat license. The Operator Card is required regardless of age, size of boat or engine horsepower – it’s the law! Junior boaters can obtain the official Transport Canada Pleasure Craft Operator Card (which is valid for life!) by taking our accredited BOATsmart!® Safe Boating Course and Boating License Exam. Explore the fun of boating with us!
Hip Hop & Break Dance
Tuesdays After School for all students JK – grade 6 - starting April 8
$113 plus HST
Hip hop and break dancing are both high energy, upbeat, street styles of jazz. Students will Explore the coolest dance moves in a fun and supportive environment. In this course, participants will start off by learning basic break-dancing and hip hop moves, and then each student will develop his or her own style. Dance like they do in all the hottest music videos!

LEGO® Land
Tuesdays After School for all students JK – grade 3 - starting April 8
$113 plus HST
It’s time to get creative - because there are an infinite number of possibilities to build with LEGO®!  In this program we’ll have fun while exploring the problem solving, and engineering skills needed to create with LEGO®.  Students will work on their own creations as well as complete in fun team challenges and projects to create awesome bridges, cities, towers, castles, airplanes, boats and so much more. Explore what you can do with LEGO®!
LEGO® Animation
Wednesdays After School for all students grade 3 – 6 - starting April 10
$113 plus HST
Making a movie is easier than you think! You’ve seen amazing stop motion movies all over the internet – they are incredibly popular and everyone loves them. If you ever wanted to be the writer, director and producer of your own Lego movie, this is the club for you. From story boards, character development and set design to filming and narration – you’ll get to explore all aspects of movie making in this club – with Lego!
Confirmation / Cancellation emails will be sent out before the program start date.
Please contact Explore It! with any questions about the above programs.
Register online at before March 21
Register early to Explore with us - spots are limited and are sure to fill up fast!

Kiwanis Music Festival

The grade 6 to 8 students have been exceptionally busy over the past few weeks with a number of learning experiences that support the academic curriculum.  One of these amazing opportunities has been participating in the Kiwanis Music Festival.  Thanks goes to Mr. Samowtoka and Mr. Goldberg for all their expertise, dedication and direction.  The final results were:

6 Band - 3rd place with a silver mark of 84
7 Band - 2nd place with a silver mark of 85
Orchestra - 2nd place with a bronze mark of 81